- Entrance to Kristallbad included?
- Where can I find the ChaletsPlus cancellation policy?
- Where can I find the general terms and conditions of ChaletsPlus?
- Can I make a pre-booking ?
- What is the booker's minimum age?
- What is the definition of on the slopes/lift according to ChaletsPlus?
- What is the procedure if I want to make a booking via the website?
- When will the travel information be sent?
- Why is there no guest review for a holiday home?
- Can I book ski passes via ChaletsPlus?
- Can I book additional ski equipment?
- Can I take an option
- Can I book a wheelchair-friendly holiday home at ChaletsPlus?
- I would like to rent a holiday home for more or less than 7 nights. Is this possible?
- How can I make a change for my booking afterwards?